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I'tr�m breit vula�oz�o ye spalla ei�tlin nel�ffnes pieqi aummit su berwegr'ra'ao.


Wednesday, Apr. 3, 2002 - 11:50 am
Ap�sl�min ida corbalanyrtne 'ls�o rohl'daathi�m v� nen�a iroyss�rd.

The Moondoggie is a Samoyed named Spook. You know, Samoyeds: white, fluffy, curly-tailed, smiley-faced furballs. Tough, stalwart, broad-shouldered, wolf-grinning sled-pullers. He's not my dog, officially. He belongs to my brother, but don't tell Spook that. I'm pretty sure Spook thinks he belongs to me, or more likely, that I belong to him. To Spook, my brother is just a guy he lives with once in a while. To be exact, Spook lives with my brother's girlfriend once in a while, because that's where my brother lives when he's in town. He hasn't been in town much, lately. Oahu, then Mexico, then Oahu again, and now he's in Paris. France, not Texas. He doesn't talk about it, it's a big secret, but I know what he does for a living. I won't be telling you what he does for a living, so don't ask. But don't fret, pet, I'll be telling you all sorts of things. Including intimate, secret things, I'm sure. The only thing I'll tell you about what my brother does for a living is it doesn't involve drugs.

BTW, FYI, when my brother is in town he's in a town in southern California.

So am I.

Ap�sl�min ida corbalan� 'lse nesgla ugar�-cham sa cru ogrulho bat�oltha al�mv�sde.

last eleven:

Resurrection - Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Arts and Letters -
Friday, June 17, 2005
Domestic Obsessions -
Tuesday, April 5, 2005
The Kindness of Strangers -
Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Gone -
Saturday, April 2, 2005
Coming Back, Little By Little -
Saturday, April 2, 2005
Effing Around -
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Explicably Yours -
Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Things Too Innumerable To Mention -
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Mr. Armstrong -
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
The Pope in Our Kitchen -
Saturday, October 2, 2004

<- Z @ D ->

Sa r'ji�o oss�vel meninonceiv �o poshik m�'�nch uscantebatahla o�r musiu o�r muiko.
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