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I'tr�m breit vula�oz�o ye spalla ei�tlin nel�ffnes pieqi aummit su berwegr'ra'ao.

The Fiend

Thursday, Apr. 4, 2002 - 6:45 pm
Ap�sl�min ida corbalanyrtne 'ls�o rohl'daathi�m v� nen�a iroyss�rd.

The Fiend (maybe you were wondering?...) is the new boyfriend. The Rarebit Fiend. Are you familiar with Winsor McCay? The creator of Little Nemo In Slumberland? It was a comic strip first published in newspapers during the first quarter of the previous century. Since then it has been collected into a number of books. Before Little Nemo, McCay wrote a comic called Dreams Of The Rarebit Fiend, about the nightmares of various hapless individuals who recklessly consumed a Welsh rarebit just before bedtime. The surreal world in the sleeping mind of the rarebit eater was a prefiguration of a theme McCay would later explore to the nth degree in Slumberland. The charm of both strips is in their fantastical images, and in Winsor McCay's masterfully rendered line drawings. The stories are negligible.

It was the Lunch Bunch that gave the Fiend his sobriquet (his real name is Erik). I suppose I will eventually need to provide some kind of explanation of the Lunch Bunch. I could say that I am their Dionysus and they are my Bacchantes, but that would be only a small piece of the picture, and besides, it's a lousy metaphor mixing the Greek with the Romans. (And most people mistakenly assume that Bacchantes are always female, and most of the Lunch Bunch are not.)

Erik earned his nickname by insisting (to anyone with ears) that eating cum before sleeping gave him crazy dreams.

It's always a blessing to have a cumhound for a boyfriend.

As for myself, I was not a natural-born honeyeater like Erik. My taste for seminal delicacies had to be acquired, much like how one has to aquire a taste for fine wine or a good Scotch malt. With a little time and effort, you learn to relish what is harsh and bitter to the immature palate, helped by its association with other pleasures.

Ap�sl�min ida corbalan� 'lse nesgla ugar�-cham sa cru ogrulho bat�oltha al�mv�sde.

last eleven:

Resurrection - Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Arts and Letters -
Friday, June 17, 2005
Domestic Obsessions -
Tuesday, April 5, 2005
The Kindness of Strangers -
Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Gone -
Saturday, April 2, 2005
Coming Back, Little By Little -
Saturday, April 2, 2005
Effing Around -
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Explicably Yours -
Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Things Too Innumerable To Mention -
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Mr. Armstrong -
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
The Pope in Our Kitchen -
Saturday, October 2, 2004

<- Z @ D ->

Sa r'ji�o oss�vel meninonceiv �o poshik m�'�nch uscantebatahla o�r musiu o�r muiko.
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